Sunday, October 26, 2014

What You Can Do

It's easier to run and hide, than stand back up and fight. 
It's easier to just let go when nothing's going right.
But Jesus never did give up, and neither so shall we.
He bore the pain of weight and sins all through Gethsemane.

He's not the one who puts self-doubt into our finite minds.
He's not the one who tears us down as our short life unwinds.
The adversary wants us hurt, he wants us to just quit.
For we have everything he wants, he will have none of it.

But Christ will always try to show us what our eyes can't see.
That within our hearts, and minds, and souls is pure eternity.
There's infinite potential there, there's nothing we can't do.
And God will always tell us that, and show us how it's true.

We are His sons and daughters, all of the most high birth.
Invisible crowns grace all our heads, and proclaim our infinite worth.
So don't run and hide or ever give up; the Lord will sustain through.
He'll give you strength and power for His Glory is in You.

Tara J. Howard

Copyright October 2014

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